Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sun, sand, sometimes I miss being carefree

This morning I woke up to a bright beautiful enticing sun. My first thought was ahhhhh summer is almost here. Next thought. Beach. We should go to the beach today. I got out of bed and look at my phone. 7:30 am. Perfect I will make breakfast before everyone gets up and we can head out after they are all fed and dressed.

As I made pancakes while trying to entertain Ry who sat near by in his high chair. I could hear that the other two boys were up too. Early for them on a Saturday but perfect for getting out at a decent time. We finished eating at about 8:30. Rylan was rubbing his eyes and yawning already. 9:00 is his usual nap time. I cleared the table and brought him upstairs to feed him and lay him down. He fell asleep with in minutes. Okay  I have 2 hours until he gets up. A bubble bath would be so nice. No. I want to go to the beach today. I get clothes out for Seark and Aidan. Get a dress out for me. I'll get them dressed and myself. Pack the diaper bag. Straighten up and then we will go.

After getting everyone else ready. I take my clothes and go in the bathroom. I like to do my make up before I get dressed. The tub looks so inviting. I did get the kids dressed and everything together already. Ry is gonna sleep atleast another hour. Who am I kidding I never take a quick bath. Make up. Get dressed. Make up. Get dressed. Ugh maybe I will just take a bath but set the alarm so I don't over indulge and throw off the day.

I run the water and get in. Ahhhhhh I love a bubble bath and so rarely get to take one anymore. Oh this is so gonna be more than an hour. Eh what's the difference we have all day. Right? It is still early. I close my eyes. Soak in the warm tub. Not a thought in my head. DING DONG.... F*!#!!!! Who is at the door? Oh well my husband can answer the door. DING DONG. DING DONG. Shit why isn't he answering the damn door?! Figures... Get out. Get dried. Get dressed. Answer the door. It's my father in law. Shit. I love him I really do but all I REALLY WANTED to do is take a bath. And now that's out the window.

I could get back in but I am already dressed. Might as well just do my hair and make up. I have about thirty minutes until Rylan is up. Of course on the one day I could have taken a bubble bath the baby sleeps an extra hour which puts us at 12:00. And now Aidan and Seark are hungry. Make them lunch. Change Rylan and feed him while the boys eat. Okay now we are ready to go. Almost... "mom my belly hurts". Great. Not quite ready. By the time Aidan feels better and we are ready to go Seark has to pee. Better that he told me before we were on the road but Seark has to take off everything to pee. I know I know its weird. He will out grow it. (I hope) 1:45 finally we are leaving the house!
The beach is an hour away.

We get to the beach. First get the stroller out. The diaper bag. The sweatshirts in case it gets cold. Put sunscreen on the kids. Get Rylan in the stroller but take the baby carrier cause he doesn't like to sit too long. Seark needs sun glasses cause Seark looking at the sun is a lot like those scenes in horror movies when the vampire looks at it. Finally get everything situated and we are good to go. Almost... "mommia I have to pee".

Long gone are the days of just going to the beach. So are the days of laying in the sand with only the noise of the ocean waves. Long gone are the days that I can just get up and go. With three kids you don't just get up and do anything. You plan. Organize. Pack. Forget shit that will make them cry (like the binky I forgot to bring today). You make countless trips to the public restroom (cringe). Sometimes no one even has to go. Seark likes to visit every bathroom. Everywhere. We. Go. If it has one of those insanely forceful hand driers we visit several times and you can never say no because the time you do... he will pee his pants.

I was missing those carefree days. Only for a moment. We finally made it to the beach. It was Rylan's first time. Watching him experience (and love) the sand on his feet and salty wind in his face brought me right back to where I needed to be. Present. With my boys. Right where I belong. We stayed on there for quite some time. Watching Seark and Aidan play and roll around in the sand was pure joy. I will never forget the days I just got in my car. Alone. Blasted my favorite tunes. Even happily sat in traffic (traffic with kids is hell on wheels. literally) arrived at the beach with nothing more than a towel and book in hand and simply soaked up the sun. I am grateful to have taken advantage of those days when I had the opportunity. I will even miss them from time to time. But right now there is nowhere on earth I would rather be than on the beach with three silly boys and all the shit that I lug around because they are with me.

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