Thursday, May 22, 2014

Park Etiquette

Excuse me. Hi. Is that your kid with the Mickey Mouse shirt over there?
Yes he's mine. Is he bothering you?
Yes. Can you tell him to leave me alone?
Sure. What did he do?
Well he keeps trying to play with me and I don't want to play with him.
Ummmm ok. I can talk to him.

I walk over to where Seark is digging in the dirt at the park looking for and collecting "rollie pollies" with his brother and freinds. Seark appears to be engrossed in the bug hunt and not paying any mind to this boy that is complaining so I leave him be.

Hi. Can you get your son?
Why? I don't even see him talking to you? Did he do something that I did not see?
No. He didn't do anything. I just don't like him. I don't want him playing by me.
Sorry. Can't help you with that.

What the hell?! I was getting so irritated by this obnoxious boy. I felt like telling him get over it. If the mere presence of my son is bothering you that much why don't you take your annoying little self and go play somewhere that you can't see him?! Of course I did not. Common park etiquette says you don't talk down to other peoples children ( although sometimes it is really tempting).  Where is his mother anyway?

At the entrance of every park where I live there is a metal sign with the park rules set forth by the town council. No smoking. No pets. No gum chewing. No bikes. No loud music. No alcohol. I propose that right next to that sign they hang another one that says:

1. Put  away your cell phones and watch your children.
2. If you see your kid being a  nuisance to another parent get up and go get them
3. If your kid hits someone else's don't act like you didn't see it. Intervene.
4. If your kid is being fresh don't pretend you don't hear him (cause everyone else does and we are all just waiting for you to reign your little terrorist in)
5. If someone else's kid is misbehaving don't take it upon yourself to reprimand the child. Go get the parent that is on their cell phone pretending to see and hear no evil chances are it is their kid. Let them do their job.
6. If your child has peed his pants (we have all been there) you don't have to run out of the park but stop letting him on the slide. No one wants to use the slip n slide of bacteria.
I totally get it. We all go to the park so our kids can get their energy out there instead of dragging out every toy they own while nagging you to play with them. I get it. They are running around and finally out of your hair for 5 minutes. You want to take that opportunity to update your Facebook status and let everyone know you are at the park on this lovely day with your wonderful children. I totally get it. But for god sake multitask. You can chat with your girlfriends and still keep an eye on your kids.
The park is no fun for anyone else if you let your child be a menace. Don't ruin my attempt to maintain my sanity and get some fresh air and sunshine by letting little Johnny wreak havoc! And if you see little Johnny coming to talk to me every 5 seconds and that I have to get up to see what his problem is wander on over and remind him you are his mother, he should leave the other mother's alone.
Let's keep the park fun for everyone :)

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