Sunday, May 25, 2014

Prada, Gucci, Dior.... OH MY!!!

Today was a beautiful day. 70 something degrees. No humidity. The sun was shining. We decided to spend the day in New York City. There wasn't even any traffic in the tunnel either way. That is pretty much a miracle. We got to the city in record time. Once we arrived in the city we set out to find a parking garage that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. Seark who was sitting in the back seat dropped his binkie.

Mommia me dropped my binks. I need it now. Nooooowwww peeeeeeaaaaaase mommmmmmmia!
Searkie we are parking in a minute. Just wait.
Noooooooo mommmmmmmia me need it now!

I love listening to my children whine (insert sarcasm). I turned around to face him and leaned over the seat in the absolute most awkward way to try to reach his binks. No luck. I turned again contorting my body to get this whining plug and in an effort to reach it with out climbing over the seat ripped my pants! Awesome! Lucky for me we happened to be in the fashion capitol (as far as I am concerned). I said "shit I ripped my pants" and as I turned around there we were stopped at a light in front of DKNY. It was like a sign from the shopping gods. I was meant to buy new clothes today.

I told my husband I am just going to run in there quick and grab a pair of new pants. Just drive around the block and I will be done by the time you get back. I could have spent the entire afternoon in this store but I know that 3 children have a limit for how long they can sit in a car. My husband also has a limit for how long he can sit in a car with three children. From the look he gave me I knew that his time was about to expire. So I set out on "operation new pants". I walked in the store and immediately to my left was a clearance rack with a black pair of pants hanging on it. Perfect. And they are my size. What are the odds there would be one pair left. On sale. In my size. I grabbed the pants and headed to the register. I lied when I told him I would be out by the time he drove around the block but it was actually going to happen. Or so I thought. When I got to the register to pay I discovered there was no tag in the pants. No problem right? Wrong. Surely the store has some easy way of price checking items that don't have a tag. Nope. They don't. The cashier called every DKNY in NY and NJ. No store had the pants in question. Not one. She looked on the internet and found them. BUT couldn't find the UPC code which was necessary to ring them up. Almost 45 minutes has passed! If I didn't have a gaping hole in the pants I was wearing I would have never waited this long for pants. I didn't even want to know what kind of chaos was ensuing in the car. I had a pretty good idea though by the tone in my husbands voice when he called me for the 12th time to tell me he was driving around the block... yet again. I used to work in retail. I said to the girl isn't there some kind of style number stitched somewhere in he pants that you can use to look up the price? she assured me if there was that is the first thing that she would have done. I was about to walk away and buy some ridiculously expensive jeans instead when a manager came to the counter. She asked what the problem was and when the cashier told her the manager simply looked on the back of the tag sewn in the pants and said "oh use this number". WHAT?! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR ALMOST AN HOUR LISTENING TO THE DESCRIPTION OF THESE PANTS RETOLD 15 TIMES TO EVERY OTHER STORE IN THE TRISTATE AREA ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT THERE IS INDEED A TAG INSIDE THESE VERY PANTS THAT CAN BE USED TO RING THEM UP?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Not to mention my kids have most likely lost their minds and I don't even want to know what kind of mood my husband is in now. The good news is the pants were 40% off and they gave me an extra 10% off for the inconvenience. Not that that matters to Aidan, Seark, or Rylan who were all doing some sort of whining, crying or complaining at this point.

We finally parked the car and went to the zoo. The kids loved the zoo and spent their sweet time walking around looking at all the animals at their leisure. After the zoo I took them to FAO Schwartz and they wandered around for over an hour marveling at all of the huge and unique toys. I didn't cry or complain at all. After the toy store we walked a few blocks to a specialty milk and cookie shop that Aidan wanted to go to. The line was unreasonably long. I waited silently even though I did not want cookies or milk. When we left there we headed back to the car. Along the way we passed Channel, Gucci, Dior and Louis Vuitton. Ugh I love Louis! I longed to go inside all or even just one of these stores and just look around. Possibly buy something. As the words Louis Vuitton left my lips, my oldest son said "I'm tired. My legs hurt. We have been walking ALL DAY! PLEASE TELL ME YOUR NOT GOING IN THERE!".
And of course I was not going in there. Not with three little monkey's that could possibly have me banned from any one of these stores for life. I could just see Seark trying to fit himself inside a handbag. Rylan (my puker) spitting up on a $1000 dress. Aidan (who we call Kramer... anyone remember Seinfeld?) tripping, falling and taking down a finely dressed mannequin with him. But it was nice to day dream and window shop for the few minutes it took us to get back to the parking garage.

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