Friday, May 30, 2014

PART II Fairytales, lies, and all the other bs we tell our kids

2012 It is the last day of school before Christmas break. Aidan was having his holiday party at school this day. It was actually a really mild day. I had been at the park around the corner with Seark. That's why I remember that it was a nice day. I stood outside the door to Aidan's school with Seark in the stroller when a mother that I had never spoken to approached me. No introduction. All she said was... It's fine that your kid doesn't believe in Santa but most 5 year olds do. Like my son. Maybe you should tell him to keep it to himself.
I didn't even have a chance to respond before she walked away. Quite honestly I was stunned. I had no idea what to say anyway. All I could think is she was wrong. My Aidan still believed in Santa. There are half a dozen Aidan's she must just be confused. She couldn't be talking about my Aidan. Nope not "my Aidan".
Still trying to process what just happened another mother, one that I was friendly with approached me. Her demeanor the complete opposite. She was grinning from ear to ear. Oh thank god she isn't coming to tell me my kid is a dream killer. Just as she got to me she started laughing so hard I could barely make out a word that she was saying.
Girl, oh my God. Your son is FUNNY! Telling all the kids while they made their cotton bearded Santa that there is no such thing! He's a riot.
What?! This can't be. Why would my kid do that? He believes in Santa. Are you sure it was my Aidan?
Oh yeah, It was definitely yours.
Suddenly I could feel all of the other disgruntled mothers staring at me. I wanted to blurt out HE BELIEVES IN SANTA. YOUR ALL WRONG. HE WOULD NEVER SAY THAT!
I stood there. Silent. Being judged by the mommy jury. My kid was ruining Christmas. Killing the holiday spirit one kid, one crafted Santa at a time. With that the school doors flew open and there was my red cheeked delinquent dream crusher. He came skipping down the stairs so excited to tell me about his holiday party and all the cards he received from his classmates. We snuck away from the school and like inmates escaping Alcatraz. Once we were out of sight I asked Aidan....
Do you believe in Santa?
What? Why? Did someone say something to you?
ugh it was true. It was my Aidan.
Some of the moms at school told me that you told their kids that Santa isn't real. I didn't know that you thought that. Do you?
Well kinda. I mean every mall we go to there is a different Santa. And most of them have fake beards.
But I told you those are Santa's helpers because he can not be every where at once.
I know but I already know that reindeer can't fly and we don't have a chimney. And the alarm doesn't go off when Santa sneaks in. So...
Well the reindeer don't have to fly. The sled flies and the reindeer are just along for the ride. And I shut the alarm off for Santa.
Mom it's okay. I know. Last week when we went to get our picture with Santa I know that it wasn't Santa or a helper it was ________  grandpa. I recognized his voice.

I don't know how long but there was a period of silence. I was thinking of what else to say when Aidan interjected...

Don't look so sad mom. Do I still get presents if I don't believe?
Yes. Of course.
Oh then who cares if Santa brings them or the parents.
Well if your not upset neither am I. Just don't tell your friends they still believe and their parents want to keep it that way.

Truthfully I am not sure why. This moment arrived well before I ever expected it to and with no warning. Admittedly I was relieved that I wouldn't have to break it to him someday. Relieved that he had figured it out for himself and moreover he wasn't sad at all about it. Relieved that he didn't ask me why I lied to him in the first place. Worried that when Seark was old enough to understand the Santa thing Aidan would ruin it for him with the truth before he ever had a chance to get caught up in the magic. Maybe that's why we lie. To give our chance to get caught up in the magic. There is such a small window to experience all things truly magical before truth gets in the way of the illusion. Once you get the trick you can't undo it. Once you dispel the magic you can never get it back. It is the end of a chapter. Maybe the hardest one to close. Not because some fat guy in a red suit isn't real but because Santa is the essence of childhood. Its like the wind blowing a candle out with nothing to relight it. The warmth and soft glow is gone even if every thing else is still the same.

Don't worry this isn't the end... there are an abundance of lies I have told my children. I sense there will be a follow up to this. Most likely involving that obnoxious little "elf on the shelf."

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