Thursday, May 15, 2014

Moms of boys

I couldn't wait to find out if I was having a boy or a girl with all my pregnancies. As soon as they could tell I wanted to know. 

It's a boy!
A boy? Really a boy?
Yes really it's a boy. You see right there? It's a boy.

I honestly didn't care either way boy or girl. Healthy baby was all I wanted. But a boy? I guess I just always thought I would have a girl. I am happy we are having a boy. But what do you do with a boy? I am as girlie as they come. I love make up. High heels. Gossip. Pink. I don't know a thing about sports. Dirt. Bugs. Dinosaurs. Wrestling. What do I do with a boy? Yup... stupid question. Thankfully boys aren't born with a baseball bat in hand wanting to know the ins and outs of the game. They don't want to pick bugs out of the dirt (and sometimes taste them) for years to come. And the only wrestling I would have to worry about was a match between me and my chunky six month old trying to get his clothes on his squirmy little body. There was no specific special care for a boy. I was fine. I knew what to do. And by the time we reached any foreign territory I realized he is a blank slate and my word was gold so I could totally make the shit up as we went along and he would think I was well versed in just about everything. And then he started school.
I had been dreading school pretty much since the day he was born. For a few reasons. Here are the ones I was aware of. I am not a morning person. I don't like the birds chirping. Sunrise. Orange Juice. Anything morning related except for coffee which is really just liquid survival. The thought of going back to early mornings for the sake of school was nauseating. Dragging this little boy's unwilling body out of bed and dressing it with eyes closed while crying for 5 more minutes I knew would be torture for both of us and I was right. If it was anywhere near acceptable at my age I would behave the same at 7am. 
He would make little friends. I know most of you are thinking " awww yay little friends" not me. Little friends meant forging relationships with parents I didn't really care for. Having kids over that I cared for even less. Play dates (Free babysitting). All of it just made me cringe. 
As it turns out I was right I hated all of those things. While some people are happy to get the break from their kids for those few hours I was the opposite. Don't get me wrong the break is nice and sometimes much needed but for the most part I felt like school interfered with our routine. The lazy, late sleeping one we were both happy with. And it interfered with my life. All my days would have to revolve around and be planned according to the school schedule. How annoying? I basically want to sleep late and spend our days at the zoo. school didn't permit either one of those things to happen very often. 
So aside from having to finally get myself together and be an organized mom (gag) it was the first time that being the mom of a boy felt tough. 
Before your kids go to school they live by your standards and rules. They are genuinely them self and it doesn't matter if that means sensitive or quite. School aged boys are a strange breed. They are loud. Rambunctious. Fresh. Rough. Quite the opposite of the boy I was raising. I learned there was a very fine line between a boy being sweet versus being a sissy. Easy going would often be easily mistaken for being weak. Respectful of personal space meant you were afraid to fight (back). Being a mom of boy is hard because well I am not one. I am an emotional girl which is perfectly acceptable and almost expected because I am a girl. A highly emotional super sensitive boy is unaccptable. How do I teach him to be any other way? I myself don't know how to shut off the things that I am feeling. 


It's a boy!
No it's not. This one is a girl.
No it's a boy.
(laughing) You are either having a girl with a penis or you are having a boy.
It's a boy.

Again I was happy to be having another boy but I still thought at some point I would have a girl and was for sure this time was it. Nope. We were having another boy. 

Mom's of boys have to make tough decisions from the day they are born. Do you want your son circumcised? I don't know. I never really thought about it until we were having a boy. That's a tough decision for a mom to make. I don't have a penis. I don't know what I would want done if I did have one. All I know is that it's not fair to have to decide. 

You might have a boy that likes to watch the girl shows on the Disney Channel like Doc Mc Stuffins, Sophia the First, and good old Dora. He might also want the corresponding toys to play with. For me it was simple. This is the stuff he likes so this is what he gets. Not so simple. Everyone has an opinion even on what a boy should be allowed to play with. I don't have a girl but I know from friends that have girls there is no toy dilemma for the opposite sex. If you buy a girl a race car.... "oh how cute she likes what daddy likes". Little girls are encouraged to like what daddy like from sports cars to football teams. And oh Lord ain't it just the cutest thing if she does love football. That's daddy's girl! But what if your son wants to wear your high heels? Well your not gonna let him are you?! He just wants to be like mommy. What's so wrong with that??? For some people everything. It's hard being the mom of a boy that wants to be like mommy. Even if it is a phase. Everyone has an opinion. My opinion... my kids will be who they will be whether I "allow" them to or not. My son can wear my shoes and we can laugh about it and have fun or I can waste my time trying to change him into what society says he should be and like. Either way he likes what he likes. It's tough going against the grain but I like him the way he is so we march on...up hill together... which is really hard in heels. 


Before you go I have the results to your test. 
I already know it's a boy.
You don't know that (opening the results to my materni 21) .... it's a 
Yes it's a boy. 

I am not meant to have anything but boys. At this point I wouldn't know what to do with a girl. And as silly as that sounds because I am one it is totally true. My best friend left her baby girl with me for the day. She pooped. It was a mess. I called her mom and explained the poop was all the way up the back and front of her and then said "what am I supposed to do?" She of course laughed and said what do you mean what do you do? You have all the same parts as her!!! To which I responded. Yes I do. But I don't poop in my girl parts. I don't know what to do with this! 
So having all boys is sometimes hard. Harder than I thought. I have learned to love (watching) them play in the dirt. I don't know a thing about sports and never enjoyed them until I had a kid that did. Wrestling is something that we do watch now and ya know what it's not all bad. The acting is horrendous but some of the wrestlers aren't terrible to look at. As it turns out I am better at being one of the boys than I ever thought possible. 


  1. Well with Mary's track record of boys.....I think the Winter men are strong on producing boys. As you say....they are healthy and you learn as you go. All I know,
    you were made to be a Mom and the BEST one! xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Aunt Ginny and yes with Mary's record I should have known lol

  2. Omg all it's truth. When I gave birth after two boys on the beginning I did not know how to care for her lady parts. They look different ;) she had some bleeding...who knew there is something like that. I always wanted a girl. I did not pick a boy name for my first child. I did not now the gender. It was surprise "it's a boy" omg no name for a baby. Then another boy. Boys ar rough but sweet in the same time. By the way moms of 2 boys or more age faster....10 years more that other moms....omg who knew ?

    1. Right after boys a girl is a WHOLE new ball game lol
