Sunday, April 27, 2014

Welcome to the circus Nacho Rocky

So lately things have been super hectic and stressful around here. Aidan's troubles at school are enough alone. This dang stomach virus that keeps making it way back to us. (My littlest one just had it again this week) We are remodeling some of our home. It's just been a lot in a short period. Well nothing says de-stress like three boys a senior dog and a puppy and so I decided to pack up the troops and adopt a dog today.
I filled out the application for our newest member a couple weeks ago. I got an email Thursday saying after reviewing our application we could go ahead with next step in the adoption process which is a meet and greet. I mentioned the possibility of a new dog to Aidan at that time. BIG MISTAKE. For the next 48 hours all I heard was are we getting him? When? Is it time? Will he like Chachi? Will he like me? Can we go? Can you call whoever has him and ask them to come here NOW?!
Finally after the longest 48 hours we were going to meet the dog and possibly take him home today. We went and bought a harness, leash, crate, bed, blanket, food and water bowls, food, treats, chew toys, and milk bones. After all morning in Target and too much money this meet and greet better be awesome. So awesome this little fur baby will be sleeping in the new bed tonight. Also Aidan may need therapy if we come home with no dog.
My husband is working today so I am going to bring my three boys and our dog chachi to Petsmart by myself for the meet and greet. No big deal. Yup no big deal if I had just maybe say one extra pair of hands.
We get to Petsmart where they are bringing the rescues for adoption day. Hell must have frozen over because we got there early! EARLY! I'm still not sure how that happened but fairly certain it won't be a regular thing for us. 99% of the time I am late. Someone is always waiting on me. Which I hate to say kind of works for me. I have been taking for granted how much that works me lately. So we got there early. About 30 minutes early. 30 minutes must be a breeze to kill in a pet store with three kids and a dog that loses his mind in public.
Normally my kids would spend 30 minutes just looking at the fish. Not today. Today the only mission we are on is operation new puppy. Forget the fish! We must stand right where it says "adoptions" the whole time. Well Aidan anways. Seark is almost always more or less in his own world. Today is no different. There were things that looked like igloos for dogs with in feet of us. Seark spent a good portion of the waiting time alone inside the plastic igloo doghouse while Aidan's obvious impatience and Chachi's repetitive territory marking had me day dreaming about zanax.
Did I already mention that we were early??? So of course the dogs were late. Seriously inconsiderate puppies!!! By the time they got there Aidan was close to a melt down, Rylan was actively in melt down mode, Seark was hidden away in an igloo, and Chachi was about to pass out from all the excitement. And I was wondering if we should just leave. I looked like a hot mess foolishly thinking I could pull this off. Surely  they would take one look at this shit show and deny us the dog. And probably wonder who filled out the very well written application. Yes I look better on paper.
Luckily the girl from Animal Rescues R Us took pity on me. She must have realized I was serious about this adoption to be patiently waiting with a wailing infant, twitching dog, and seven year old incessantly asking me IS HE OURS?! I was almost glad she didn't realize I had yet a third child lurking around in the doghouses. That may have been the deal breaker. 
We started to fill out the adoption agreement. And it was only another HOUR before we got to take our new pup home. He was part of a littler called the "Taco Bell Pups" and his name was Nacho. My kids felt bad to totally rename him but had already been set on Rocky. So we are calling him Nacho Rocky. 
Since bringing the dog home everyone has been telling me I am crazy. Why do I need another dog? Don't I have enough going on? So to them I say. Of course I am crazy and that has nothing to do with adopting another dog. You have to be a little crazy spending every day all day with little people that bombard with you questions and demands from the moment you open your eyes and love just about every minute of that madness. Do I need another dog? Does anyone NEED another dog.... no. I could live with out one but I wouldn't want to. Chachi has brought us joy like any other member of our family with a bonus... he doesn't talk back. Why not add to the joy we already have? And i will tell you this little three pounds of pure sweetness is already adding smiles on the faces of my little guys. And finally don't I have enough going on? Yes I do. I am also more than willing to live in this happy chaos. Puppies are work just like babies. If you don't know how much I LOVE caring for all of my babies you don't know me. They say if you find a job you love it doesn't feel like work and that is how I feel. The kids. The dog. They are work. The best kind. So with out any further adieu we officially announce the newest member of our family....
Welcome to the Circus Nacho Rocky


  1. Yes, I agree....are you nuts????? The answer, YES INDEED!
    The joy Nacho Rocky will give to your boys, you and Jay is well worth letting people think you have gone off the high dive in the low end of the pool. You are without a doubt the very BESTEST Mom and the boys are so lucky to have you.

  2. lol thank you i am a little nuts haha
