Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bit by the stomach bug again


About a week ago Aidan went to a friends’ house to play. When I picked him up his friends’ sister was laying on the couch wrapped up under covers looking…. Sick. Aidan got his stuff together. I chatted with his friend’s mother. I am an admitted germaphobe so the sight of this other child looking not so well was setting off all kinds of alarms and sending me into panic mode already. Then Aidan came down the stairs and we left. We walked up the block and Aidan realized he forgot his Xbox controller. He insisted he needed it right then so we walked back to get it. I rang the bell and when the door swung open I could see the child that was laying on the couch minutes before was visibly ill.  OH MY GOD! NOT THE STOMACH VIRUS! PLEASE NOT THE STOMACH VIRUS! WE CAN NOT GET THE STOMACH VIRUS AGAIN! I WILL DIE IF WE GET THE STOMACH VIRUS AGAIN! These are the thoughts that were circling my brain. My mouth just politely asked for the Xbox controller.

On the walk home I told Aidan as soon as you walk in the door wash your hands. Don’t touch anything. Go straight in the bathroom and wash your hands. When we got home I wiped his game controller down with Lysol and had him scrub his hands like he was a surgeon headed into an operating room. Knowing already these precautions were most likely in vain. That stomach virus leaves no stone unturned and it was just a matter of time until Aidan got sick. Usually they say 24-48 hours from the time of being exposed is when you will start to show symptoms if you have also caught it. I felt like I held my breath the rest of the week end. Every single time Aidan made even a strange face I was grilling him about how he felt. The 48 hours passed and nothing. Could we really be that lucky and escape it this time? Of course the answer is no. I swear it was the 49th hour which also happened to be 4 am when I heard it. That awful noise that every mother dreads. SPLAT followed by MOM IM SICK. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no… unfortunately oh yes. Oh yes there was puke all over the bed. The bed that Seark was also sleeping in. I spent the rest of the night cleaning. And by cleaning I mean throwing out anything that had been anywhere near the sight of the incident. I threw out all of the bed stuff and pajamas. Aidan took a shower and went back to sleep on the couch and seemed to make a miraculous recovery by the morning.

Now we just wait for Seark to get sick. I’m not even sure what is worse, when they actually get sick or the week of anticipation waiting for it to happen. Seark complained for days that his belly was “hot”. He had a fever and was exhausted but didn’t get physically ill. Just when I thought Seark was in the clear…. SPLAT. Another 4am puke-fest. When Aidan was a baby the first time he got the stomach virus I was a rookie. I held him while he threw up. Didn’t care what he got on me as long as I was able to comfort him was all that mattered. I caught that virus from him. I learned from that experience. And so Seark has never been afforded the same luxury. There are no mommy snuggles and hugs while anyone has the potential of throwing up on mommy. If there was a yard stick that could measure how close they were allowed to come to me I would for sure use it. I love these boys with all my heart and more but the thought of contracting this bug does something to me. Something that makes me want to run from them and shower them in Lysol.

Again I spent the night avoiding the children and throwing out pajamas and sheets and comforters. This virus was starting to get expensive. I didn’t care what we had to buy brand new if it meant I might be spared. Spared I was not. I too got bit by the stomach bug for the second time in the three months. I used to say there is nothing worse when it comes to winter illnesses than the stomach flu but it turns out there is. Breastfeeding a baby while you have the stomach flu is way worse! So after surviving the week of germ warfare I am only certain of one thing. If one of the kids even look like they may get ill or I know they have been in contact with anyone that recently had it… I am sending them to my mother’s for the week. Not really. But it is a nice thought.

Today I am all better, back to blogging, and wishing everyone a happy germ free week.

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