Friday, June 27, 2014

I am still a girl ....

Sometimes being a mom can be so overwhelming. Just the day to day stuff. There is rarely any down time. Hardly ever any "me time". I admit some days I don't even shower. I used to wash and blow dry my hair every day. Now that happens like twice a week. I go between feeling like a maid ... Mom get me _______. Mom I need ________. Mom where is my_______? MOM MOM MOM. (And you know like the second you sit after being in the kitchen for 45 minutes is when one of the kids will realize they are thirsty.) or a janitor. There is constantly a spill that needs to be cleaned up. Food that was dropped. Smashed. Walked in. All before anyone thinks to tell you they need it cleaned up. Pee on the bathroom floor. Toilet seat. Shower curtain. Their legs. Shoes. Toilet paper clogging up the toilet because they use the entire roll to wipe their tiny butts. I feel like I need a hazmat suit with a belt clip strong enough to hold a mini vacuum just to survive the day.

I have changed more diapers than I can count. Washed more sheets than the Marriott. Scrubbed the bathroom that looks like it has had as much traffic as the one in the subway. Clipped dirty finger nails. Picked boogers out little noses. Smelt ungodly things that come of their cute bodies. Made mud pies. Dug in the dirt and pulled out worms. Most of the time sexy is a foreign word to my vocabulary but at the end of the day I am still a girl. And I still want to look and feel like one even when I am doing not so girlie things all day long.

I have heard young about to be first time moms say "I don't ever want to look like a mom". What does that even mean? Are they talking about the driving a minivan and wearing the hideous "mom jeans" moms. Cutting their hair short in no particular style just so that it is manageable moms. Foregoing make up because really what is the point when you aren't leaving the house. And let's face it your kids don't care what your face looks like as long as you are playing with them.

I have heard from other mom friends of mine "why do you do your hair and make up everyday?" "why bother?" I posted a post labor "selfie". I had my hair and make up done and didn't quite look like I just had a baby. That picture got a surprising mix of reviews. Ranging from you look great to what are you trying to prove? Other girls posted pictures of themselves in response looking like they just gave birth with captions saying this is what it should look like...

Why should it look like anything? Why do I bother? Not to impress anyone else. Simply because I am still a girl. I enjoy being one. For me looking good is feeling good. And as silly or vain as it might be I like my make up. Of course I am all for natural beauty and don't feel like I need make up to look my best but I like it. So I wear it. If its not for you that is okay. But when there is so much I do for everyone else my make up is one of the things I do for me. I never felt like becoming a mom or even spending my days at the park or cleaning the house meant that I would have to look like I spent my days at the park or cleaning the house.

This mom is still a girl. I love every ounce of my kids but I don't want to lose myself in them. There are some things I like enough to make time for.... my appearance is one of them. There are still days that I don't get out of my pajamas and as long as I have small children I am sure there will be more of those days but for the most part if you see this face the newest line of Clinique or Urban Decay will be all over it whether anyone else understands it or not. I am still a girl.

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