Thursday, August 28, 2014

I am that asshole...

Saturday morning. My alarm clock known as Crylan gets me out of bed promptly at 5am. I have finally come to terms with this ungodly hour that we must rise and shine and take full advantage of it on the weekend. Since my husband is home instead of making coffee and daydreaming about my bed like I do the rest of the week on Saturday and Sunday mornings I go for a long walk/jog with my pint size companion. 

We complete our 7 miles. Come home in time to make everyone breakfast before they are up. And usually have enough time to eat before Rylan is ready for his 3 hour nap which I find completely selfish of him. Don't get me wrong I like the down time and to be able to shower in peace and all that. But anything beyond an hour is just rubbing in the fact that we do this sleep stuff on his terms. 

Anyway I take my shower. Get dressed. And decide today is the perfect day for the zoo. More specifically the Bronx Zoo. I straighten the house quick. Get the other kids dressed. Pack my diaper bag. Nag my husband to hurry up. And before we leave the house glance at the calendar to make sure I am not forgetting anything we were supposed to do today. Nope nothing on the calendar for Saturday. But there is a pool party for Seark's little friend on Sunday. I think to myself good thing it is tomorrow since today is relatively cool and overcast all day. 

We hop in the car and go. There is little to no traffic and before I know it we are parking at the zoo in a spot that is in Bumblefuck... literally we had to walk like a mile to the zoo entrance apparently I wasn't the only that thought it was a great zoo day. Just then I get a text saying "hey mama you guys coming?" Immediately my mind starts to race... coming? Coming to what? Hey Jay did I mention that I had anything to do today? OH. MY. GOD. I FORGOT BEN'S PARTY!!! Oh wait what is today? It is Saturday right? I have that on the calendar for Sunday... Shit I must have put it on the wrong day!

We are already in the Bronx. By the time we got back the party would be more than half over. I text my friend (Ben's mother) and apologize for the mix up. I genuinely feel terrible! I hate when people respond yes and don't show up! But it was an honest mistake... Just like the time Aidan's class mate/ friend had a party on Sunday and I remembered on Monday when we saw his mother at school. Or like today when I headed out to the beach. Called my mother on the way their to let her know I was going but would be home in time to go shopping with her because we were coming back early because I had something to do at 4:00... I just couldn't remember what?! I did finally remember what that what was at 9:00 tonight... My childhood freind's grandmother's wake!!! Totally forgot... and lost track of time so I didn't go on that shopping trip either! Seriously what an asshole I am?! Write this shit down for god sake! 

Back to birthday party mishap. So we missed the party on Saturday. Sunday morning I look at the calendar on the fridge and think what a shame the party isn't today. It is so beautiful out! Still bummed that I screwed it up. I carry on with the day. Go to my mom's the pool for a bit. Take the kids out to eat. When I get a phone call asking where we were today? Oh no why? What did I miss? 

Turns out I wrote pool party on the calendar for Sunday because we were invited to a pool party on Sunday... but not for Ben... this one was for Luke! Which I forgot about altogether and just assumed I mixed up the days for Ben's party. Long story short... we missed both parties!! 2 events in 2 days that I completely flaked on is a new record for me and one that I am not proud of! I am that asshole that I hate in other people! And I don't want to be! No one wants to be an asshole... clearly... but I just can't seem to get it together! 

Its that moment when you realize that maybe everyone else isn't an asshole. Maybe they genuinely forgot about your party or play date just because they forgot and not because you weren't important enough to remember. Which doesn't really make the forgetting any better... so from now on I vow to use that little reminder thing on my phone. To be diligent about writing things down. Most of all to stop being that asshole I hate in other people. 

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