Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Binkies and Babas ARE (not) for big boys

Seark don't open the fish food again.

Seark I told you not to open the fish food.

Seark put it back.

Seark don't dump it on the floor.

5 minutes later...

Seark if you open that fish food again you are going to be in trouble.

Seark I warned you. You have one more chance.  I am serious if you open that fish food I am going to throw out all of your bottles and binkies. Maybe if I stop treating you like a baby you will start listening like a big boy.

Otay mommia ( as he opens the fish food and dumps it all over the floor... again which Rylan ate while I got the vacuum out)

By now I know not to make threats that I can not see through. But damn I was sure that the threat of throwing out the binks and bottles would be one that would get through to Seark and he would put the fish food back. Those are his most prized possessions. Honestly getting rid of both is long over due but it was a half hearted threat because I knew how hard it was going to be for me to take them away knowing that it would make him sad. And it did... make him sad. Actually in the moment he was more than happy to help me gather all the bottles and pacifiers that we could find. He threw them all in the big white garbage bag with me. Watched me tie it up and even followed me out to the garbage and said to good bye to his belongings. We went back in the house and the day carried on as usual. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his little brain. Maybe it was that easy and it was just me prolonging it.

Around 7:00 pm Seark began rubbing his eyes and asking to watch Sheriff Callie. A sure sign that he is ready for bed. I washed him up. Got his jammies on. Turned on Sheriff Callie. And got him all settled on the couch in his favorite spot with his favorite blankie. He watched about half of his show when he asked...

Mommia tan you get me baba to me? (he always says to instead of for and it is the cutest thing ever) 

No Searkie you remember we threw all the baba's out right?

No. No. No. Pease get me my baba to me mommia? 

Searkie mommy told you if you didn't stop messing with the fish food we were getting rid of the baba's and binks because you couldn't keep your baby stuff if you didn't listen like a big boy.

Nooooooo mommia..... Noooooooooooo. 

And then he cried himself to sleep. And I felt horrible. SO bad I almost went out to the garbage and recovered everything we tossed. Well not really but I did think about making a mad dash to the store to replace all 11 bottles and 37 binkies. But I didn't. We made it through this bed time. It was rough but it was over. Surely tomorrow and every day after would be easier. Or not. It has been 5 days now and although he isn't sobbing himself into slumber there are tears. Tears that I don't want to see. Tears that I know I could make go away if I just gave him the bottle back. But I wouldn't be doing him any favors. So I won't.

It was time. Even if he (we) weren't ready. It was definitely time. I just wish like everything else it wasn't so hard. Just another thing that he will survive and so will I.

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