Monday, September 15, 2014

Humpy Humpy Dumpy and other great falls...

When I was about the age of my oldest son I fell off my bike. The details are fuzzy at best as it was 20+ years ago that it happened. I don't remember the moment of impact. Which is probably a good thing. I don't remember much after it either. I know the accident itself resulted in a fractured jaw and dental trauma. I do clearly remember the few seconds immediately before my face met the pavement. Those few seconds where time seems to slow down long enough for you to come to the realization... oh shit... this is gonna be bad. And it was. But as bad as it was for me I am now convinced of two things. One: smashing your face in some capacity is a childhood right of passage. Two: My accident was worse for my mother.

As the first full week of the new school year came to an end and the fall weather began to arrive I could not think of a better way to spend our home work free Friday than at my boys' favorite park... playing with their friends. So I got the kids in the car and headed out to the "barn park". A brand new park in town. The hazmat worthy cat urine filled sandbox that the children once loved to play in was finally removed and replaced with a new gazebo. The rusted fence that didn't quite close has been torn down and in it's place is a new wrought iron gate with a handle that locks into place so no parents have to chase small escapee's. The mulch loaded with cigarette butts that Seark used to love to snack on has been cleared away. The town even went the extra mile. Instead of just paving the park they installed that rubbery floor that feels sort of bouncy under your feet... you know the kind that will for sure lessen the impact of any fall. Well not quite any fall. Smack in the middle of this completely safe... I am sure "up to code" park is a giant statue of a stupid fucking pig! Oh my... she said stupid fucking pig?! Why such animosity towards such a cute statue of a pig with its piglet?! Because that pig was the only thing standing in the way of my clumsy child when he went running through the new gate... on to the impact absorbing bouncy floor.... when he tripped and fell face first with no time to brace himself.

From across the park I watched it happen. Aidan face plant right into the foot of that stupid fucking pig. I heard it. And as the words "oh god I hope that noise wasn't his face" came out of my mouth Aidan shot up off the floor as if there were springs in his feet. Letting out an awful cry. The cry any mom that has heard it before knows means it is serious. I held my breath and ran to him. Aidan spun around and... ALL. I. SAW. WAS. BLOOD. And lots of it. So much I had no idea where it was coming from and the only word in my head was.... FUCK! fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!!!!!! Oh it was bad. Bad. Aidan was screaming "oh God I'm dying... I'm gonna die!" And all I could think was fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! Luckily that's not what I said. I somehow got my shit together enough to get my game face on.... the face only a mom can pull off. The one completely disconnected from every thought in your head. Disconnected from anything else going on around you. The face that you look at your bleeding child with... the calm... cool.... collected face that tells them "your gonna be okay". And that is what I said over and over until Aidan really heard it.

Your gonna be okay.
Your gonna be okay.
Your gonna be okay.
You hear me?
Your gonna be okay.

As much as I was saying those words with serious conviction I had no idea whether or not they were true but as long as Aidan believed me and they calmed him down... that was all that mattered. And they did.

By the time we arrived at the hospital Aidan was no longer freaking out. The blood had stopped gushing. He was still bleeding and clearly bruised and swollen but I was certain now that he would indeed be okay that I felt better about reassuring him of such. After being evaluated we found out that although he was okay underneath all that swelling was a broken nose and behind his absurdly fat lip was a chipped tooth and two loose ones.  When asked what happened Seark chimed in with "my brudda falled like humpy humpy dumpy... right Aidan? into da pig at da barn park".

Thank God unlike humpy humpy dumpy Aidan could be put back together again.

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